His Excellency Bishop Sebastian Thekethecheril of Diocese of Vijayapuram who is also a member Bishop of CBCI-OSC drew the attention of the people to the concept of social media hermits and its ill-effects. His Grace Bishop Sebastian was addressing the gathering during the Holy Mass on the third day of the National Seminar of CBCI- OSC Secretaries & Diocesan Communication Directors, organized in Varanasi.
His Grace Bishop Sebastian reminded that human beings are at times in the position of hermits and he reflected on the thoughts of His Holiness Pope Francis who views ‘social media turning young people into social media hermits’. The Bishop emphasized that social media should be used as mediums to connect people to each other and to their human consciences. Fr. Suresh Mathew Pallivathukal, in his talk, exhorted the audience to stand for the truth and enlightened them to be aware about the changing scenario of the nation. He urged the people to have conscience to stand strong for the truth, in the society.
The main theme of the seminar that began on 12th March is “Reinvent Reconnect Reach out” and the focus will be to light the rays on “Fake News v/s Good News. Unity in Diversity for a Mission of Mercy and Witness”.