Norfolk: A prayer rally organized in the US state of Norfolk, Virginia, has literally become a testimony to the world, with the slogan “One people, one faith, one Lord”. Hundreds of people of all ages attended the prayer fair organized by Kevin Tremper, a preacher of the Cross Road Church in Norfolk.

The prayer rally started at Norfolk City Hall at three o’clock on Sunday afternoon and ended at Town Point Park. “I’m not black, I’ll see you, I’ll hear you”; The rally also carried placards saying, “God does not discriminate.” It is interesting to note that many celebrities, including Virginia Beach star basketball player Elizabeth Williams and her family, attended the prayer rally.

Elizabeth Williams said George’s custody murder in Minneapolis has led to uncomfortable conversations with his children about racism, and that he wants them to stay together as a family and raise their voice against what is unfair. Melanie Patterson of Chesapeake responds that whatever we do in life, wherever we go, we should be guided by prayer. When the United States goes through a crisis like the death of George Floyd, the rally of peace-makers is attracting many.


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