Abruzzo: Sister Carla Ventiti, a member of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Monastery, works for the rehabilitation of sex workers on the streets of Italy. Sister tells the story of the life of many sex workers who were taken to the streets of Abruzzo, near Rome. It was a special experience in the midst of prayer that led Sister to this great mission. ‘Once God enters into you, you will be saved. Will be transformed. ‘

Sister spends more time in prayer to find out what Jesus is asking for. Sister sees the women on the street. The Sisters felt that his attitude, which they thought would not be good until then, changed to the belief that God would act in them. Only then does the system understand the meaning and purpose of what God has said to him. Sister made his wish known to the authorities of the Math. The prayer continued. While there, Pope Francis visited.

All that the pope had spoken to them was to become compassionate. Pope’s words gave Sister the courage to go ahead with what God had assigned him. After the pope’s visit, Sister received full support from the authorities. So, in 2012, Sister began his mission. However, ‘Why should this Sister come here’ was the first question that Sister Carla Ventiti came across in Italy to spread the love of Christ among the sex workers. When Jesus’ love was poured out on them, they realized their mistakes. They began to walk back to the love of the dead for themselves.

They changed their minds in front of the sibling who kept telling them they were bad. He walked away with no interest in talking. They opposed what they said. But gradually things began to change in them. They began to listen to the Sisters speak. They developed that friendship. She also shared her life experiences and pains with the Sister. She shared with them about God who takes away their pains. Which paved the way for other sources of income. Sister Carla Ventity is in the joy of bringing many more people down the street to decent living and God’s love.


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