His Eminence Cardinal  Robert Sarah of Guinea, head of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments while addressing the gathering at St. Michael’s Cathedral conveyed the significance of silence in an individual’s life. His Eminence Cardinal Sarah highlighted silence as the space that allows God into our lives and said that the one tool at every Christian’s disposal must be silence.

As reported by heraldmalaysia, His Eminence Cardinal Sarah remarked that “When we retreat from the noise of the world in silence, we gain a new perspective on the noise of the world. To retreat into silence is to come to know ourselves, to know our dignity. If we give ourselves to ephemeral and insignificant things, we will understand ourselves as ephemeral and insignificant. If we give ourselves to beautiful and eternal things, we will understand ourselves as beautiful and eternal.”

His Eminence Cardinal Sarah concluded his remarks by asking the faithful to seek silence, for in silence we come to know God and to know ourselves.