The Dominican Priest, Father Juan Jose Gallego, an exorcist from the Archdiocese of Barcelona in Catalonia, Spain, in an interview conveyed the evil effects of being proud and asserted that Pride is the sin that devil likes the most. Fr. Juan explained his life experiences while dealing with exorcism and asked the faithful to be always in prayers without being attached to the desires of the world which may take an individual away from the Lord Almighty.

As reported by Catholic News Agency, Fr. Juan remarked that “In the beginning, I had a lot of fear and all I had to do was look over my shoulder and I saw demons and on the other day when I was doing an exorcism, ‘I command you! I order you..! and the evil one with a loud voice fires back at me : Galleeego, you’re over-doooing it.’ That shook me”

Fr. Juan highlighted that devil is not more powerful than God and we should not forget that he is just a creature of God. So when people are going through a crisis, they suffer more and feel like they’ve got the devil inside. He reminded that nothing in this world can detach the love of Lord Almighty from his Children and so be humble and courageous.



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