Lagos: Prayers of believers with the slogan “The church is united and the gates of hell no longer exist” are against the Christian massacre that has become a regular occurrence in Nigeria and the country’s insecurity. At the behest of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CN) on Sunday, Christians held peaceful prayers around their churches. Hundreds of believers participated in the rally carrying banners such as “Stop Persecuting Christians” and “Stop Persecuting Christians”.

Peaceful rallies were held in all the major cities, led by CN chapters in seventeen southern states of Nigeria. The rally was held at the Oritamoufa Baptist Church in Ibadan. Supo Ayokunele and Pastor Enoch Adebo led the protest of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). He said Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari should be able to fulfill his moral obligation to protect the country’s citizens irrespective of their religious beliefs. Iokunele demanded.

He recalled the death of CNN chairman Lavan Undeemi and Maidugui University student Ropvil Daleyap, and a Christian girl, Leia Sharibu, who is in custody. Tikatia asked what he means by saying that attacks on Christians are not religious. The Rev. has been instrumental in engaging in the massacre of Christians in Nigeria, as in Syria and Iraq. And asked the international community of Ayokunale. Victory International Church, Gethsemane Prairie Ministries, Anglican Church, RCCG

Pastor Enoch Adebo, who led the RCCG’s walk, said the purpose of the walk was to bring prayers and prayers to God to save the country from terrorists, robbers, extortionists, and fundamentalists. The CN has also called for a three-day fast.


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