The month of May is dedicated to Mary, Mother of God . In this  month , we celebrate the motherhood of the  Blessed Virgin Mary. Motherhood  is a sign of the fruitfulness of God’s love and expression. Mary  became the mother of God and took a special role in our lives and became a mother to us all.

During this month, Christians venerate and pay homage to the Virgin Mother in their churches and homes, seeking merciful gifts and blessings from her.  The Lord has entrusted us to the loving and tender hands of the Mother yo help us face and overcome the difficulties coming in our day to day lives. As she is a powerful intercessor for all our needs here on earth, let us all call on her to be actively involved in our daily life and imitate her virtuous life as an inspiration.

In this month of May, let us discover her maternal role in each of our lives and offer our spiritual mother our sincere prayers, so that she may intercede for us in our journey of faith. Let us learn from her to love and trust God completely and to be faithful witnesses of the Risen God.


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