His Excellency Bishop Leahy of Limerick in a pastoral letter to the diocese of Limerick wrote and conveyed them the significance of promoting respect for human life. His Grace Bishop Leahy also invited the faithful to be missionaries for the cause of life and highlighted that it is a noble cause to uphold the sacredness of human life.

As reported by catholicnewsagency.com, His Grace Bishop Leahy remarked that “The possible repeal of the eighth amendment and introduction of a liberal regime of abortion in Ireland is a pivotal moment for our society and how we cherish life in this country.” Further, the Bishop added, “We do indeed need to love both mother and baby in pregnancy, but I believe that in our public commentary at the moment we are often forgetting the unborn baby, make no mistake about it. It is a baby.”

His Grace Bishop Leahy encouraged the faithful in the Diocese of Limerick to champion the cause of life within Ireland and to pray for overall respect for human life.