Toronto: A video of the life of an Iranian man who renounced Islam and converted to Christianity has caught the eye. The former Muslim woman, who did not reveal the name of Christ as Savior and Lord, says that she is releasing this video in the hope that it will touch many people, and that she is saying in the power of the Holy Spirit that others will find Jesus.

He came to Iran from Canada with his family when he was 12-13 years old. They point out that for the past 21 years, no one has shared the gospel with him. The Holy Spirit stopped him in Toronto when he decided to go to Florida. That’s what saved his family. Watching some videos about the testimony of hell changed lives. The very next day after praying to Jesus to show them the truth, she revealed that an elderly European woman visited her and invited her to the shrine.

Since then, she has forsaken other godly ideas and accepted Christ as her Savior. The woman revealed that she had given up smoking habits and had a heart full of love and peace. His father was killed without knowing the true God. Whatever you do in your life, God can forgive. The video mentions that it comes from Islam and the concept of God is wrong.

If you want to know God, it is only through Jesus. They also testify that her sisters who heard the gospel from him eventually accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord.


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