Jerusalem: The Christian channel Shelanu TV has launched a series of TV programs in Israel aimed at bringing the gospel to the homes and lives of the Jews. Shelanu’s Hebrew word means “we are”. Shelanu TV is owned by God TV, a Christian channel with a presence in nearly 200 countries. Shelanu TV has signed a seven-year contract with Israel’s cable service provider Hot to broadcast the channel. Hot is the company that provides over seven lakh homemade channels in the country.

Hot had been granted the Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Council, which operates under the Israeli Communication Ministry, with the authority to broadcast the new channel. The Shelanu TV Channel describes themselves as a channel for faith-based programs for pro-Israeli Christians. Christian channels such as Day Star and Middle East Television are operating in Israel. But Shelanu TV was the first Christian channel to begin broadcasting in Hebrew with a clear evangelistic purpose.

In a note posted on its website, God TV stated that the channel was launched in Israel with the intention of convincing people that Jesus was not a foreigner and that Jesus was the promised Messiah born in Bethlehem. The channel’s leadership said that the testimony of the Jewish people at home and abroad could be viewed through the channel as they realized Jesus was the promised Messiah. At the same time, Jews have come out against the channel. Much of God TV, which began operations in the UK 25 years ago, is aimed at young people.


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