His Excellency Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow conveyed in an essay for Crux, the significance of standing firm in Christian Faith without going astray from it and highlighted that too many believers have submitted to secular values and failed to stress their faith. His Grace also warned that Scottish Catholics have become too “wishy-washy” in standing up for their faith.

As reported by catholicherald.co.uk, His Excellency Archbishop Tartaglia, who serves as president of the Scottish Bishops’ Conference remarked that “Too many believers no longer talk about Jesus winning salvation for the sinful but instead point to him as a moral idea of what humans should strive for because now we accommodate, we compromise, we avoid conflict-even when conflict is the only proper course.” Further, His Grace added, “Now many of our Catholic leaders, intellectuals and academic institutions bend over backwards to assure the gatekeepers of culture and prestige that they’re just as right-thinking as they are.”

At the end, His Grace Archbishop Tartaglia also reminded the responsibilities and significant role played by the mass media in structuring Catholic Churches many a time but the media have also tried to hammer the church often.

Source: www.catholicherald.co.uk


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