A training session was organised for the staff of Karunya Trust as a part of Train2Learn program series. The topic of the session was “Report Writing and Documentation.” The session was conducted by Ms. Pallavi Xalxo, the Founder Director of Spark Ignition Foundation.
Under the guidance of Fr. Joby Ayithamattathil, Karunya Trust, the social department of Kalyan Diocese has been working in various areas like shelter programs, community development programs, agricultural and cultural programs, women empowerment programs, etc. Along with the former programs, the trust also works in education and child rights programs. The focus of these programs is ‘child focussed community development’ and to facilitate integrated and sustainable education among tribal children, child rag pickers, HIV/ AIDS infected children, etc.
Through these various educational programs, the trust has managed to reach over 9818 children from the time of its inception in 1998. The core of the Karunya Trust lies in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals: “Achieve Universal Primary Education, Reduce Child Mortality, Improve Maternal Health, Ensure Environmental Sustainability, and Develop a Global Partnership.”