Los Angeles: The Archbishop of Los Angeles, Fr. Goo Hidalgo. His thoughts on Twitter are now going viral, to inspire those who have missed the fast. Fr. Goo’s explanation begins.

He says that just because we have sinned does not mean that we are better than other people. If it were, the atonement would have been reduced to just one rebellion. It doesn’t matter what we give up for fasting unless our hearts are changed. He then tweeted that the atonement was “empty”.

The clergyman reminds us that it is better to give up one thing during the fast, than to give up a lot of things, many times over. He also gives spiritual advice such as avoiding guilt, avoiding judging others, not getting angry, spending more time in prayer, postponing mobile phones and visiting patients.

By giving up something, we can become more convinced of Christ’s sacrifice. Says Goo. The most important thing in the fasting period is to try again and again, even if it means stopping fasting, he added. He also shared his advice on reading more books, spending more time in prayer, and loving others. Goo’s tweets are over.


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