Melbourne: The Easter message of Cardinal George Pell, who has been released from prison on a charge of sexual misconduct, calls for the resurrected Christ to be in the midst of all of this, and to seek new power from the risen Christ. The Cardinal said in a video message that Christ is right next to those who are suffering, the sick, the painful, and the false.

The Cardinal declared that he was with the Italians and that we were united in the belief that Jesus Christ had risen. The cardinal also commemorates his friends in prison. The Cardinal concludes his video message by saying, “From the depths of my heart, you have my Easter greetings. Christ has risen.

The Cardinal was jailed in December 2018 for allegedly sexually abusing two boys at a 1996 Melbourne Cathedral. On 7 April, the Australian High Court acquitted Cardinal George Pell of his innocence in the absence of evidence. Cardinal was released from prison after spending four hundred days in jail.


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