Holy Father Pope Francis met Capuchin friars during their General Chapter in Rome and told them that frugality and sobriety among their communities are the visible signs of God. In prepared remarks handed to the monks at the beginning of the meeting, His Holiness Pope Francis urged the friars to push themselves “to live religious service and activities in gratuitousness, humility and meekness”. He explained that by doing so, they would be following the example of Saint Francis of Assisi.

As reported by Vatican news, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “The true greatness is to make yourself small, and serve. With this ‘smallness’ in your hearts and way of life you bring your share into the Church’s efforts for evangelization. This can be done by generously bringing the apostolate into direct contact with different chapters – especially with the poor and the suffering.” Further, the Pontiff added, “Let the joy of the gospel be the source of your strength and consistency. Our times manifest signs of obvious spiritual and moral distress due to the loss of secure and comforting references to faith. Today, people feel the need to be accepted, listened to, and enlightened with love. Another important aspect of life in the Capuchin community is “union and communion”, which are fulfilled through dedicating time to listening and conversing, in order to “strengthen brotherly discernment.”

His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his remarks by reminding that “The identity of the Capuchin is the total consecration to God to the point of martyrdom, the simple life amongst people, sensitivity with regards to the poor, spiritual accompaniment as an approach and the humility that allows everyone to feel welcome.”