His Holiness Pope Francis met with members of the Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, and highlighted the importance of unity and fidelity in the Sacrament of Matrimony. The Roman Rota tribunal is the Catholic Church’s highest court, and primarily hears cases regarding the nullity of matrimony, though its jurisdiction extends to any type of judicial and non-administrative case related to Canon Law.

As reported by Vatican news, The Pontiff said the two “marital goods” of unity and fidelity first of all pertain “to the essence of the Church of Christ”. Society, he said, frequently does not help couples live these virtues. His Holiness added, “The society in which we live is becoming more and more secularized, and doesn’t promote growth in faith, with the result that the Catholic faithful must struggle to witness to a way of life modeled on the Gospel”.

His Holiness Pope Francis said unity and fidelity are necessary, not only in a married couple’s relationship, but also in all interpersonal and societal relations. “We are all aware of the inconveniences that arise in civil society when promises are not kept”, he said.