Mar Thomas Elavanal, the Bishop of Kalyan Diocese, in his presidential address on the first Anniversary of Kalyan Media Cell (KMC), an official media Apostolate of Kalyan Eparchy , on 9th July 2017, conveyed the importance and responsibilities of being a media missionary . His Excellency reminded the gatherings of around 65, about the age of Communication and the progressing roles of youth in proclaiming the word of God through Media.
His Grace reflected that , “It was unimaginable to talk on wireless phones twenty years back but now the world is progressing and we have reached into the Age of Communication”. Further, he continued, “Media has become very important. The youth today are more attached to digital media than the print media because digital media now is faster and easier to use.” His Excellency explained the positive and negative effects of media and asked the youth to use it in a positive way in order to build up good communication and good relationships.
His Excellency highlighted that, an year old baby, KMC is doing remarkable media projects which creates a positive impacts in the minds of faithful. Further His Grace concluded by quoting that, “ Let us be good media missionaries and reveal the truth and love of our God to the world through media.” His Grace then appreciated Fr. Franklin , the director of Kalyan Media Cell (KMC), for his hard working and initiative power to work for Kalyan Media Cell (KMC).