His Excellency Bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal of Kalyan Diocese conveyed the significance of the Youth and their vocational discernment, in the 5th Pastoral meeting that was held on 15th July 2017, at Bishops House, Mumbai. His Grace highlighted the problems faced by today’s Youth and asked the Pastoral Council members, to see, seek, call and invite the Youth more close to Jesus Christ and the Church through love and compassion. Based on the preparatory document for the next Synod at Vatican, eighteen questions were discussed in youth forms and Forane of the Eparchy, which brought to the Diocesan level. The council members listened to the Youth with intensity in order to understand them and know their problems to find out solutions accordingly.
His Grace emphasized that ‘Today’s Youth lives in a completely different lifestyle and they undergo many crises in their life including unemployment, marriage and much more.’ His Excellency reflected on Holy Father Pope Francis’ words and continued, “We need to understand and call those who are away from the Church, with love.”
His Excellency concluded by reminding the faithful that ‘The vocational discernment in one’s life is so much important that it gives them the idea to live according to their vocational call and the call could be of family life or a religious one but both are significant.’ The Council promised their full support in forming the Youth in discerning their vocation. This concern will be sent to the next Synod of Syro Malabar Church in August 2017.