MEXICO CITY: Mexican bishops are working on a project called ‘Family Without Hunger’ to appease the poor who lost their jobs and other income due to the spread of coronavirus. The plan is to deliver food to the people through the parishes. The bishops have also decided to use the network of the Caritas, a voluntary organization of the Catholic Church, for the smooth running of the project. Fr. Said Rogelio Narvas.

The various projects will be implemented in collaboration with other organizations. The bishops have also started a helpline for those with mental problems. The bishops have requested financial assistance to provide health and food kits. In a press release issued on April 24, the bishops urged the government to focus on providing financial assistance to families affected by the coronavirus, rather than spending on large development projects. She called for the whole country to unite to save personal life, to separate personal, political, and religious differences.

Critics working in economically weaker areas reveal that the plight of many families is worsened by the lack of income. Meanwhile, there has been criticism of the government’s announcement that people who walkout will be fined. It is not the right thing to tell people who are going through hunger, to minister in the state of Mt. Andreas Larios said. “It’s easy to tell people to sit at home, but it’s not an easy task for people,” he added. So far, 1569 people have died in Mexico due to coronavirus.


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