WASHINGTON, DC: Following the Coronation Scandal, the government’s proposal to cancel all public Masses of the Archdiocese of Washington, Fr. Scott Homer. A new way of confession has been opened up for believers as he announced that he would have a “drive-through” confession every day of the Mass.

“I cannot open the church or office because you cannot guarantee your physical safety. The drive-through configuration enables you to hear your confession in the vehicle. I hear your confession in the vehicle, standing 6 feet from the temple parking lot. ” Fr. According to Homer’s statement. He said in his statement that as believers, the heart of our lives is the Holy Eucharist, and it is said that we cannot participate in the Holy Mass together because of the coronary disease.

He added that this is an opportunity for God to look out for the welfare of our neighbors and to make sacrifices for them. Joseph McHenry, a seminary student, has been assigned to drive around the drive-through confessional. Fr. Scott’s decision.


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