Catholic leaders in Spain urged prayers after two continuous terror attacks in the country. Thousands attended a midday vigil that was held on August 18, 2017, in Barcelona’s Plaza de Catalunya, attended by Spanish King Felipe VI and government and political party leaders across the country. Candles, flowers and messages of solidarity were placed in the memory of victims at various city locations.

As reported by Catholic News Service, Right Rev. Msgr Joseph Ramon Perez, dean of Barcelona’s Catholic Cathedral remarked that “People are deeply shocked and saddened by this totally random event, while many are naturally asking what is happening to the world to make such things possible, many also recognize that the most important response is to pray for peace.” His Holiness Pope Francis also denounced the cruel terrorist attack in Barcelona and remarked that “Such blind violence, which sows death and pain, is a great offense to the Creator.”

As per the information received, Barcelona’s Cathedral and neighboring churches had been closed after the attack as part of a security lockdown, forcing visitors and pilgrims to remain inside until late evening.
