Rome: St. Mary Major’s Basilica in Rome did not miss the daily Eucharistic chanting and blessing of the church, even though the administration ordered the closure of all the churches in Italy to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Eucharistic rituals take place every day after the Mass at 11 am in the inner chapel of the Basilica, where the famous Marian image of ‘Salus Populi Romani’ is placed. In the preface to a video depicting the Eucharistic blessing, “the Cardinal Archbishop of the Basilica, the clergy, and the saints want to witness the active presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.”
Santa Maria Maggiore in A Video of Today’s Eucharistic Procession. pic.twitter.com/f3jnz75Nqg
– Courtney Mares (@catholicourtney) May 7, 2020
The city of Rome is now going through the second phase of Covid-19 restrictions. Since the Fourth of May, people have been granted a restricted release for wearing the mask, many people have been able to participate in the Eucharist and the Blessing. Mountain Butorac, a tour guide, told Catholic News Agency that the sight of the Eucharist had given him hope and that he cried when he saw the image of Jesus. Finally, after 70 days of restrictions, it has been decided yesterday to resume the Mass of Holy Communion on May 18 in the diocese of Rome and throughout Italy.
A Eucharistic Procession and Blessing of the City of Rome is daily from the Basilica of St. The coronavirus pandemic during Mary Major. pic.twitter.com/LSmHBloK8N
– Courtney Mares (@catholicourtney) May 7, 2020
Pope Francis visited the Basilica of St. Mary Major a few weeks ago to seek the Mother of God to save Italy and the world from the coronavirus. At the time the Pope gave the Vatican the blessing of the Orbi, the ‘Salus Populi Romani’ was also in the vicinity of the Pope. In 593, Pope Gregory I marched through the streets of Rome with the Marian image against the plague. Every day at five o’clock in the morning, prayer is held in the Basilica. The authorities have also made arrangements for them to view it online.