The program by German journalist Tasilo Forchheimer focuses on Papa Emeritus Benedict XVI’s speech. The 30-minute program, broadcast by the Bavarian television network ‘BR24’, contains information on the life of the pope. Since his assumption of office in 2013, the pope has not made public appearances. In this case, the program is very acceptable to the believer. During the program, Tassilo Forsheimer described Pope Benedict speaking in a weak voice and with great difficulty.

Tassilo Forchheimer says that in the past he had a good voice and that he lost it. His personal secretary, Archbishop George Ganswine, also revealed that Pope Benedict XVI had lost some of his physical strength. Pope Benedict, who turns ninety-three years old in April, is careful to keep up with the daily schedule, despite his physical disabilities. The Pope explains in the program why he starts each day with the Holy Mass.

Pope Benedict spends most of his time in an office room similar to a library. The program shows footage of pictures and pictures from his home country of Germany hanging on the wall of his office room. In spite of physical disabilities, the Pope has not been affected spiritually. The biggest evidence of this is the Media Foundation, which was recently launched in Germany by Pope Benedict, to promote young Catholic journalists. The fellowship is called the Tag post Foundation for Catholic Publicity. The Pope also requested financial assistance for the new venture.


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