NEW YORK (Reuters) – Christina and Brian Stanton, who miraculously survived the World Trade Center attack in New York in 2001, have survived a battle with Corona. They both testify that prayer was instrumental in these two struggles for survival. The story of their fight was revealed by the Christian Broadcasting Network. An examination last month showed that both were coroners.

Doctors have ruled that Christina has a 50/50 chance of recovering. Christina described the period as a struggle for life. Christina was twice admitted to hospital and nearly died. The two men simultaneously admit that they survived by praying alone, rejecting the doctors’ assumptions.

Christina affirms that it was the prayer of those who knew her that saved her more than medical aid. As soon as she was diagnosed with the disease, Christina begged her friends for help. Christina wrote a book entitled “Out of Shadow of 9/11 An Inspiring Story Tale of Escape and Transformation” about her amazing escape from the 9/11 attacks. Her story has also been aired on the CBN News story. Christina repeats all of this, saying, “There is power in prayer.”


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