The Universal Church celebrates the feast of one of its most cherished saints on the 4th of August, the feast of St. John Marie Vianney. St. John Vianney is not only the Patron saint of Parish Priests but also the Patron Saint of confessors. His dedication and spiritual service in converting a vast number of people and bringing them back to the light of the Lord, by spending hours of battle at the confessional, has made him the patron saint of confessors.

St. John Marie Vianney’s life is an inspiration not only to Priests in their service but also to each one of us. His commitment to the conversion of sinners and the confessional is a reminder to us of the importance of the sacrament of confession. Have we somewhere along in hustle bustle of our lives forgotten the importance of making a good confession? Have the frequency of making a confession reduced? Does our confession become a mechanical and routine activity without proper examination of the conscience?

St. John Marie Vianney, who used to sit for 14-17 hours at the confessional in a day, was sometimes found weeping while listening to confessions. On being asked the reason behind his tears he had replied ‘I weep because you do not weep’.  St. John Marie Vianney, who miraculously converted and spiritually transformed an entire community with his conviction in prayer and dedication to the confessional, reminds us today to examine our conscience. Would our mechanical confession have brought tears to St. Vianney’s eyes? Are we weeping enough for our sins?  Are we resolute to not repeat the sin? We, as Catholics have the beautiful sacrament of confession, and it is Jesus Himself who is at the confessional forgiving our sins.  Today on the feast of St. John Marie Vianney, the patron of confessors, let us ask for pray and ask for His intercession to help us make a good, heartfelt, repentant confession.

On this day, let us not forget to pray for our respective parish Priests and all the Priests who have dedicated their lives to the service of the Church and its flock. Remember to include them in your prayers and wish them on the feast of their patron Saint.

Wish you all a blessed and happy feast!


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