His Holiness Pope Francis has urged Christians to prepare themselves for Christmas this Advent season by being humble and trying to build peace in their soul, in their family and in the world. Delivering a homily at Mass, at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, the Pontiff said that peacemaking consists in not talking evil of and harming others, a bit like imitating God, who humbled Himself.
As reported by Vatican news, Pointing to the pastoral scene evoked by Isaiah in the first reading, where the wolf and the lamb, and the leopard and the kid live side by side harmlessly, the Pontiff said the prophet speaks about the peace of Jesus that transforms life and history, which is why He is called the “Prince of Peace”. “Advent, therefore, is the time to prepare ourselves for this Prince of Peace by being at peace with ourselves, our soul, that is often in anxiety, anguish and without hope. For this, one needs to start with oneself,” said the Pontiff. His Holiness Pope Francis said that today the Lord asks us whether our soul is at peace? If not, then we should ask the Prince of Peace to pacify our souls, so we can meet Him. The Pope said we are so used looking at the souls of others rather than our own.
His Holiness Pope Francis urged Christians to examine themselves whether they are at peace or at war in their families or against others, whether there are bridges or walls that separate. The Pontiff then spoke about making peace in the world where there is much war, disunity, hatred and exploitation. Christians should ask themselves what they are doing about creating peace in the world by working for peace in the neighbourhood, in the school and in the workplace. His Holiness Pope Francis urged Christians to make themselves small, humble and be the servant of others. “The Lord will give you the ability to understand how to make peace and will provide you the strength to make it,” the Pope assured.