His Holiness Pope Francis while addressing the faithful during the Holy Mass at the Casa Santa Marta urged the faithful to ‘make daily examinations of conscience regarding their actions because no one is sure how and when life will end.’ Reflecting on ‘the advice’ in the first reading from the Book of Sirach, the Pontiff urged for a change of heart and conversion to the Lord.

As reported by Vatican news, His Holiness Pope Francis pointed out that wisdom is a daily thing that comes from the reflection on life and from stopping to think about how one lives. The Pontiff reminded that “Do not follow your instincts, your strength, indulging in the passions of your heart. All have passions but one must be careful and dominate them.” His Holiness added, “Passions are not bad things but they need to be managed. They are like blood that helps do many good things but if you are not able to dominate them, they will dominate you.”

His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his remarks by urging that “Let us take a little time every day to examine our conscience, to convert to the Lord, without it off for tomorrow.” The Pontiff reminded that “Five minutes at the end of each day, will help us think about a change of heart and conversion to the Lord without procrastination.”


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