His Holiness Pope Francis joined about 1,500 poor people and a group of volunteers for lunch to mark the World Day of the Poor. Before lunch was served, the Pontiff asked for thanks for those who prepared the lunch and for those who were serving and prayed for the Lord’s blessing for all those present.
As reported by Vatican news, After Holy Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, during which the Pontiff urged believers to heed the cry of the poor and said that “the cry of the poor daily becomes stronger but heard less, drowned out by the din of the rich few, who grow ever fewer and more rich”, His Holiness Pope Francis addressed the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus prayer, and then went to a beautifully decked out Paul VI Hall and took his seat at the main table.
A youth band from the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompei provided musical accompaniment and the menu included lasagna, chicken morsels, mashed potatoes and tiramisu.