In a ceremony before tens of thousands of people, His Holiness Pope Francis canonized Pope Paul VI,Archbishop Oscar Romero, Francesco Spinelli, Vincenzo Romano, Maria Caterina Kasper, Nazaria Ignazia of Saint Teresa of Jesus, and Nunzio Sulprizio.  The Pontiff remarks that “All these saints in different contexts, put today’s word into practice in their lives, without lukewarmness, without calculation, with the passion to risk everything and to leave it all behind.”

As reported by Vatican news, His Holiness Pope Francis emphasized that “The second reading tells us that “the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb 4:12).  It really is: God’s word is not merely a set of truths or an edifying spiritual account; no – it is a living word that touches our lives, that transforms our lives.  There, Jesus in person, the living Word of God, speaks to our hearts. Dear brothers and sisters, our heart is like a magnet: it lets itself be attracted by love, but it can cling to one master only and it must choose: either it will love God or it will love the world’s treasure (cf. Mt 6:24); either it will live for love or it will live for itself (cf. Mk 8:35).  Let us ask ourselves where we are in our story of love with God.  Do we content ourselves with a few commandments or do we follow Jesus as lovers, really prepared to leave behind something for him?  Jesus asks each of us and all of us as the Church journeying forward: are we a Church that only preaches good commandments or a Church that is a spouse, that launches herself forward in love for her Lord?” Further, the Pontiff added, “ Without a leap forward in love, our life and our Church become sick from “complacency and self-indulgence” (Evangelii Gaudium, 95): we find joy in some fleeting pleasure, we close ourselves off in useless gossip, we settle into the monotony of a Christian life without momentum, where a little narcissism covers over the sadness of remaining unfulfilled.”

The Pontiff concluded his remarks by reminding that “Today Jesus invites us to return to the source of joy, which is the encounter with him, the courageous choice to risk everything to follow him, the satisfaction of leaving something behind in order to embrace his way.  The saints have travelled this path.”