Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful on the eve of the Day of Prayer and Awareness Raising against Human Trafficking, has appealed for concerted action against human trafficking. His Holiness Pope Francis urged civil society and institutions to take strict and immediate action to protect the victims and eliminate this terrible scourge that affects so many forced migrants and refugees.

As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “I invite everyone, citizens and institutions, to join forces to prevent the slave trade and to guarantee protection and assistance for the victims. Many migrants are forced to choose illegal channels of migration where they are submitted to abuse of every kind, exploitation and slavery.” His Holiness Pope Francis reminded those present that 8th February is the Feast day of St Josephine Bakhita, an occasion to join in prayer and action against the trade of human beings.

February 8th is the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese nun, who as a child had the traumatic experience of being a victim of human trafficking.