Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered at his homily reflected on the death of Jesus as the supreme act of love, the font of salvation for the humanity of every age. His Holiness Pope Francis focused on the Gospel of the day, which tells how a group of Greek pilgrims in Jerusalem wanted to see Jesus. Holy Father highlighted that one who wishes to know Jesus must gaze upon the Cross, where His glory is revealed and he asked the faithful to live the Gospel fruitfully.

As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “The Cross is not simply a decoration, much less a fashion accessory, but is, instead, a religious sign to contemplate and comprehend. In the image of Jesus Crucified is revealed the mystery of the death of the Son of God as the supreme act of love, font of life and of salvation for the humanity of all time.”

His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his remarks by reminding that joyfully accomplishing works of charity for those who suffer in body and spirit is the most authentic way of living the Gospel.