Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered for the Holy Mass in the Casa Santa Marta, conveyed the importance of praying for the elected leaders of the country despite their mistakes. His Holiness took as his starting point the First reading from St. Paul’s letter to Timothy, where he asks that supplications, prayers, petitions and thanksgivings be offered for kings and for all in the authority.

As reported by en.radiovaticana.va, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “If leaders do not pray, they close themselves off in a self-referential circle or in that of their party, a circle from which they cannot escape and it is important to be aware that we are all subordinate to someone more powerful.” Further, His Holiness added, “Christians must pray for their leaders, even if they do bad things, they need prayer even more and so pray and do penance for leaders.”

His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his message by asking the faithful to make an examination of conscience regarding their prayers for leaders.