His Holiness Pope Francis delivered a homily at Mass, holding out Mary at the foot of the cross and at the wedding feast of Cana as a model to Latvians of how they should care for the oppressed, the exploited and the marginalized, and how to receive and adapt themselves to the needs of others.  Holy Father Pope Francis pointed out that for Mary, standing near  is not simply passing by, making a quick visit or engaging in a kind of “tourism of solidarity”, but rather being firmly close to those in painful situations.

As reported by Vatican news, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “Mary stands near those who suffer, those from whom the world flees, including those who have been put on trial, condemned by all and deported. It is not that they are simply oppressed or exploited; they are completely “outside the system”, on the very fringes of society.  The Mother also stands close by them, steadfast beneath their cross of incomprehension and suffering.” Noting that Mary sees the open wounds of her Son Jesus in their sufferings, the Pontiff urged Latvians to go out to meet the people, consoling and accompanying them.  He asked them to get involved and let their lives become complicated for the sake of others, ever ready to lift up the fallen, raise up the lowly and to help end all those situations of oppression that make people feel crucified themselves.

The Pontiff concluded his remarks by reminding that “Mary gives us the courage and humility to help us adapt ourselves to whatever life brings.  She asks us to commit ourselves to welcome one another without discrimination.  In this way, all in Latvia may know that we are willing to show preference to the poor, to raise up those who have fallen, and to receive others just as they come, just as they are.”