Kalina Forane marked 17th September, 2017, as the most joyful event of togetherness, celebrated as Forane Youth Day and naming it as “Sane2Insane”. The name itself caught the attention of the faithful youth gathered at the auditorium of Our Lady of Egypt Church, Kalina. It just took a moment of time for the sane youth gathered to get into their insane mode and the strangers, at first sight, marked each other as insane besties during the full-fun event. The celebration began around 3:00 pm with the most vibrant and energetic “chenda melam” that almost blew up the hearts of the youngsters at the venue, which marked the first step towards Insanity for the day! The event continued after the felicitation ceremony, in the presence of Fr. George Vattamattam, Director of Kalyan Eparchy Youth (KEY), Fr. Sinto Pulikkottil, Assistant director of Kalyan Eparchy Youth and other dignitaries.
Fr. George Vattamattam encouraged the Kalina Forane to be ahead and active, reflecting the agenda discussed in the pastoral meeting, he reminded the youth to be faithful and holy in the sacrament of marriage. Fr. George remarked that “Bring yourselves at the Holy Altar as Holy ones in the sacrament of marriage; spiritually as well as physically because when you maintain your holiness, the Lord Almighty becomes happy.” Fr. Sinto Pulikkottil exhorted that “Never fail in your life and know that there is no problem that can defeat you unless you give up, be a blessing for others and a blessing for the Church.”
Amazing performances and joyful games made the event more vibrant, the Kalina Music Band was officially inaugurated at the event. With a total 145 faithful youth present, the Kalina Forane Youth Day made the youth forget their worries for the day and made them understand that life is wonderful when it is celebrated Insane. The “chenda melam” at the end made the dance of the youth more energetic and brought out even the last flick of Insanity in them, making each one feel like the best choreographers of their own dance and now there were no more strangers in the room, but only insane friends with strong bonds. With a lavish dinner, the Kalina Forane Youth Day marked its end for this year by enlightening the youth that an intense life needs a touch of Insanity!