Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered for his General Audience in St. Peter’s Square, continued his catechesis on Christian hope. His Holiness conveyed the faithful to be hopeful in the mission that they are entrusted with, along with the Church and highlighted the hope of missionaries all over the world, by relating their hope to St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast the Church celebrates on 4th October.

As reported by Vatican radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “Saint Francis of Assisi of the joyful hope born of Christ’s victory over death and our own share in his risen life and Jesus asks us to be witnesses of that same hope, confident in the transforming power of His Spirit at work in our hearts and in our world..” Further, His Holiness added, “Joy is the sure sign of true Christian hope, for we know that evil will not have the upper hand and that God’s love revealed on the Cross, will ultimately triumph.”

His Holiness concluded his message by exhorting the pilgrims to rejoice in God’s saving power and to never lose heart and also encouraged to help others to look to the future with confidence.