His Holiness Pope Francis visits Bulgaria on May 5th. The first public event was held in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, with a Sunday evening mass in Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral square. In his homily at the mass, His Holiness Pope Francis reflected on the Gospel which helps us to immerse ourselves in the joy that the Lord asks us to spread.
His Holiness Pope Francis said, “Everything takes place on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus first called Peter. He called him to leave behind his trade and instead be a fisher of men.” (Lk.5:4-11) The pontiff emphasized on three amazing things that are part of our lives as disciples: “God calls, surprises and loves us. When we welcome Jesus, we rise higher and are able to embrace a brighter future, not as a possibility but as a reality. God surprises us by not only His invite but also to do surprising things.” The Lord loves us: this is the source of our strength and we are asked to reaffirm it each day. His Holiness mentioned ”being a Christian summons us to realize that God’s love is greater than all our shortcomings and sins. God is love that loves, that bestows itself, that calls and surprises.”