Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered for morning Mass in the Casa Santa Marta chapel, conveyed that the work we do is our response to the gratuitous love and forgiveness of God, who took away original sin and who pardons our sins every time we turn to him. His Holiness also reminded the faithful to be truthful and to stay away from hypocrisy and trickery.

As reported by Vatican radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “Jesus always asks us to be truthful in our hearts, that’s why he tells us to pray out of sight, to hide the weakness we feel when we fast and to conceal our almsgiving so that the left hand does not know what the right one is doing.” Further His Holiness added, “Jesus asks us to live coherently because falsehood and hypocrisy are very bad for us.”

His Holiness concluded his homily by reminding the faithful to be truthful to God and urged to learn not to accuse others but rather to accuse ourselves, without trying to hide our sins from the Lord.