“Mary was not full of grace because she was beautiful;but she was beautiful because she was full of grace. “_ *Abp. Fulton J Sheen.*
Mary has always been an intercessor throughout the ages as she was full of grace and this has been approved by many philosophers and even Saints. Right from the wedding at Cana to this age, Mary holds the key to her son’s heart! St.thomas Aquinas claims that mother Mary granted the graces as she conceived the lord of graces ! The angel Gabriel announced that ” Mary you’ve found favour of the lord ” Mary not only found favour for herself before the Lord but for the whole world too. Mary has always been a mother, intercessor, saver and a helper to all of us in our lives . No one who called her for help has been left unaided. Let us all find recourse to Her as she continues to intercede for us before God ! Our only way to Jesus is through Mary . Just like a child that blindly trusts her mother, let us repose faith in Our Lady that she will obtain for us the graces that we need to find favour in the Lord’s sight.
INTENTION: Let us pray for all those who seek the will of God in their lives and let holy spirit shine upon them as it did on our lady !