Kochi: The High Court today (June 25) considered the couple’s plea for permission to have an abortion on a child who has reached the gestational age of twenty-three weeks because of a heart ailment. KCBC Pro-life Committee State President Sabu Jose has joined the case, stating that the committee is ready for adoption if the parents are struggling to accept the child, including all necessary treatment. 

Sabu Jose told Pravachakashabdam.com that the party had joined the plea not to deny the baby the right to be born on this earth. It is very sad to try to kill with prejudice that the baby’s health is bad. We will also inform the court that we can assure the parents all the support we can to save the life that God has created and blessed. 

With similar cases coming up and favorable verdicts under the MTP Act, there is a view that unborn children can be killed at any time. We need to continue our prayers, awareness and protest against the MTP Act. Sabu Jose said that he is asking for help to come to a favorable verdict when the case is taken up for hearing today.


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