The Archbishop of Melbourne, Philip Freier, along with other Christian leaders in the region came together to express their dislikeness over offering Euthanasia, the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable an d painful disease or an irreversible coma, to the patients. Church leaders conveyed that it is right to seek to eliminate pain  and reminded that no one has the right to eliminate people and they also warned of the risk of error, fraud and coercion in such cases.

As reported by, Church leaders in a letter stated that “Even though an act of Euthanasia or assisted suicide may be motivated by a sense of compassion , true compassion motivates us to remain with those who are dying, understanding and supporting them through their time of need, rather than simply acceding  to a request to be killed.”

The Church leaders had sent a letter to the state premier urging them to rethink their decision to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia.



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