His Excellency Mar Thomas Tharayil, auxiliary bishop of Archdiocese of Changanassery while addressing the faithful individuals gathered at Great Britain Syro-Malabar Diocese Women’s Forum seminar, conveyed that the Church has always been grateful to all the women from the beginning. Great Britain Syro-Malabar Diocese has announced this year as the ‘Year of Children.’

As reported by lifedayonline.com, Mar Joseph Srambickal, Diocesan Chairman of the Forum remarked that “The Women’s Forum is capable of giving significant contributions in building up faith-formation in children and structuring their behaviors in a good way.”

The Seminar was conducted under the guidance of Fr. George Panackal V.C, Fr. George Karamayil S.J, Fr. Fanzua Patthil, Sr. Sharon CMC, Sr. Manjusha Thonakkara SCSC and Women’s Forum President Jolly Mathew.