Sunday, 4th June, was celebrated as the Pentecost Sunday, a day marked as the beginning of the Christian Church. This year Pope Francis invited some 300 Pentecostal and evangelical leaders to Rome to join an estimated 30,000 Catholic charismatics from around the world in celebrating Pentecost and marking the 50th anniversary of the Catholic charismatic renewal.
The Ecumenical celebrations were to start in Rome on the 31st of May and conclude on the 4th of June with a Pentecost Mass by Pope Francis in St Peter’s Square. Close to 30,000 Charismatic Christians from 130 countries were in town for four days of high-octane praise and adoration prayers and liturgies, as well as workshops, testimonies, healings, and not a few invocations of the Holy Spirit. The highlight of this years celebration was the 50th year since the inception of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
On Sunday morning Francis brought to a close the five-day CCR Jubilee by celebrating Pentecost Mass in St. Peter’s Square, focusing in his homily on the way the Holy Spirit creates a new people and puts in them a new heart.
Source – cruxnow.com, Pic Source – cruxnow.com