Rome: Cardinal Robert Sara, head of the Congregation for Worship and Sacraments, said no one can stop the clergy from listening to the confessions and offering the Holy Mass. In an interview to the Daily Compass, the Cardinal explained that although he was not able to attend the Holy Mass, he had the right to ask the clergy to offer the Holy Eucharist and confess. As a precaution against the spread of the coronavirus, there have been suggestions in Italy and Germany that the Holy Eucharist, which was blessed by the clergy, should be taken to the homes of believers. Cardinal Sarah strongly condemned such moves.
It is regrettable that believers cannot participate in the Holy Mass. However, there is no compromise on how to accept the Holy Eucharist. The Lord is a person. Unfortunately, there are many unbelievable things happening in Germany, but others don’t want to imitate that. ” The Holy Mass is a gift from God. So it should be treated with respect. Cardinal Robert Sarah added that we should have the feeling that we are not in the marketplace.
He said that believers should have the right to receive the Holy Mass in their hands and tongues. If we understand what we observe in the Holy Mass and what the Holy Eucharist is, there can be no doubt as to how the Holy Eucharist should be given to the people. Cardinal Robert Sarah added that when the online liturgy is offered to believers, the clergy should not be on the camera and Satan is attacking it because the heart of the church is the sacrament of life.