Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered for his general audience, continued his catechesis on ‘Baptism’ and focused to explain ‘the anointing with the oil of catechumens’ which is part of the Rite of Baptism. His Holiness Pope Francis highlighted that those who request Baptism have responded to the Gospel which has prompted them to believe and they have learned how to listen to Jesus’ teaching and works.

As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “Those who approach the baptismal font are accompanied by the entire Church. This is concretely expressed with the Litany of the Saints before the exorcism and anointing with the oil of catechumens at the beginning of the Rite of Baptism. They are gestures that, since ancient times, assure those who are preparing to be reborn as children of God that the prayer of the Church assists them in the fight against evil.”

Holy Father concluded his general audience by noting that the “Christian life is one long, tiring struggle against evil but we are accompanied by “Mother Church who prayers that her children, regenerated by Baptism, might not succumb to the snares of the evil one, but might conquer by the power of Christ’s Passover.”