The five-day International Online Spiritual Growth Study Service, led by The Rev. Fr. Reggie Mani MSFS, will be held from April 26 to 30.

Through the forty days of Spiritual Guided Service to Nuns and Evangelists, Fr. These growth meditation classes, led by Reggie Mani, can be attended by anyone in different parts of the world through the “Zoom” online mode, being at home during Lockdown. Those participating in this meditation in English must register at the following link. Registration is free.

The service will run from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm on Sunday, April 26th to Thursday 30th April, UK time. The world-renowned minister, Rev. Fr. Fr. Everyone in Jesus’ name is invited to this special meditation service, led by the UK team of the Catholic Ministry of Abhishekagni Catholic, which is led by Xavier Khan Vatti.


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